lemony ice-cream

I sort of made this up as was in a hurry but it kind of works, we wanted those puddings you can get in restaurants, we often hanker after things that we once had but can’t have anymore, either because it doesn’t exist or we are too poor to buy it!!

lemonsmix a tub of mascarpone (or double cream if you can get it!!) with some sugar and lemon juice and the zest of lemons if you want more bite. Taste mixture and add more lemon if you want (if i’d had time i would have made lemon curd and used that instead). Cut the tops off some more
lemons and scoop out all the flesh from the top and the other bit of lemon use that juice too but not the pithy bits or the pips, whisk the ingredients up and fill up each lemon and put the tops back on. I used some egg boxes to stand the lemons upright to get them freeze and now they are in a tupperware box in the freezer

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